
Flag for IPv6 not available

jthomaschewski opened this issue · 5 comments

It would be great to be able to enable IPv6 for the created scaleway instance.

Some ipv6 code seems to be in the code but commented out:

moul commented

What do you think about enabling ipv6 by default and add an option for disabling it instead ?

Sounds good. But unfortunately I have some issues after enabling IPv6 for scaleway-VM's deployed with docker-machine.

Might be due to issues in the scaleway IPv6 bootstrap script or just a fault on my side - but before enabling it by default, it might be wise to test it first.
Hopefully no issues occur when IPv6 is enabled on first boot.

Okay, this seems to be a bug in scaleway bootstrapping.

Enabling ipv6 from the beginning will probably work.

I will report this bug to scaleway.


  • Create ubuntu 16.04 docker VCS (through docker-machine create, no ipv6 by default)
  • Enable IPv6 in scaleway panel and restart server
  • Ipv6 connectivity is broken (routes and ips exist though)


  • Terminate (Archive) VCS in scaleway panel
  • Start VCS again
  • IPv6 connectivity is working

Hi @JBBr, thanks you for your feedback,

To enable IPV6 on VCS instances, the reboot is the normal way
On the VPS, a reboot of the server from the console is mandatory to enable IPv6.

Hi @QuentinPerez ,
unfortunately a reboot is not sufficient. As I wrote in my reproducing steps ("Enable IPv6 in scaleway panel and restart server"). Tested with default VCS1 and Ubuntu Xenial setup.
I already opened a ticket for this and got a reply that they sent this to the network team.

As I don't know if others are experiencing this problem too, I would recommend to add an option for IPv6 to the scaleway driver and don't enable it by default yet.