
vpc creation with scaleway terraform api failed

ftrincal31 opened this issue · 1 comments

when i try to create many vpc with terraform provider, i have this mistake

│ Error: scaleway-sdk-go: invalid argument(s): subnets is invalid for unexpected reason, subnet_overlaps_in_project: {}
│   with scaleway_vpc_private_network.creation-vpcs["toto"],
│   on line 2, in resource "scaleway_vpc_private_network" "creation-vpcs":
│    2: resource "scaleway_vpc_private_network" "creation-vpcs" {

my vpc creation use this variable déclaration

variable "vpc-list" {
    description = "liste des vpc"
    type = set(string)
    default = ["mgmt", "provider", "toto", "titi", "tutu", "okko"]

and my to execute terraform code is :

resource "scaleway_vpc_private_network" "creation-vpcs" {
    for_each = var.vpc-list
    name = each.key
    tags = ["${each.key}", "terraform"]

my scaleway provider version is : v2.5.0
my terraform version is : 1.3.2

anyone have same problems?

Issue has been fixed on product side