Cannot delete group or policies after deleting all users
dkilcy opened this issue · 6 comments
I have an account 'acct2' (reguilar vault account, no SSO) that had 3 users assigned to a group and different policies. I wanted to 'clean out' the account and delete everything.
- I was able to delete all the users successfully
- I am unable to delete the group or policy now
See output below.
Interesting in the error message below, you see " The error message describes these entities."...but there is no error message displayed.
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam list-users
"Users": []
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam list-groups
"Groups": [
"Path": "/",
"CreateDate": "2016-08-25T22:13:09Z",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::060034739872:group/DirAccess",
"GroupName": "DirAccess"
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam list-policies
"Policies": [
"PolicyName": "godmode",
"CreateDate": "2016-08-25T22:20:45Z",
"AttachmentCount": 1,
"IsAttachable": true,
"DefaultVersionId": "v1",
"Path": "/",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::060034739872:policy/godmode",
"UpdateDate": "2016-08-25T22:20:45Z"
"PolicyName": "homedir",
"CreateDate": "2016-08-25T22:12:54Z",
"AttachmentCount": 1,
"IsAttachable": true,
"DefaultVersionId": "v1",
"Path": "/",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::060034739872:policy/homedir",
"UpdateDate": "2016-08-25T22:12:54Z"
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam delete-group --group-name DirAccess
An error occurred (DeleteConflict) when calling the DeleteGroup operation: The request was rejected because it attempted to delete a resource that has attached subordinate entities. The error message describes these entities.
[devops@ws2 ~]$
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam delete-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::060034739872:policy/godmode
An error occurred (DeleteConflict) when calling the DeletePolicy operation: The request was rejected because it attempted to delete a resource that has attached subordinate entities. The error message describes these entities.
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam delete-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::060034739872:policy/homedir
An error occurred (DeleteConflict) when calling the DeletePolicy operation: The request was rejected because it attempted to delete a resource that has attached subordinate entities. The error message describes these entities.
[devops@ws2 ~]$
Checked to make sure the policy was not attached to the group, it is not...
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam list-group-policies --group-name DirAccess
"PolicyNames": []
[devops@ws2 ~]$
list-group-policies lists inline policies. You need list-attached-group-policies for the policies you created. You need to detach the policy from the group before deleting.
Thanks, I was able to detach and remove the policy, but still can't delete the group...
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam list-attached-group-policies --group-name DirAccess
"AttachedPolicies": [
"PolicyName": "homedir",
"PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::060034739872:policy/homedir"
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam detach-group-policy --group-name DirAccess --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::060034739872:policy/homedir
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam list-attached-group-policies --group-name DirAccess
"AttachedPolicies": []
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam delete-group --group-name DirAccess
An error occurred (DeleteConflict) when calling the DeleteGroup operation: The request was rejected because it attempted to delete a resource that has attached subordinate entities. The error message describes these entities.
[devops@ws2 ~]$
Will you please try: aws iam get-group --group-name DirAccess
Le sigh...
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam get-group --group-name DirAccess
An error occurred (NoSuchEntity) when calling the GetGroup operation: The request was rejected because it referenced an entity that does not exist. The error message describes the entity.
[devops@ws2 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url http://app1.lab.local:8600 iam list-groups
"Groups": [
"Path": "/",
"CreateDate": "2016-08-25T22:13:09Z",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::060034739872:group/DirAccess",
"GroupName": "DirAccess"
[devops@ws2 ~]$
@dkilcy Do you mind re-opening this issue in Vault?
Closing. Reopening in Vault