
".Values.volumeMounts" not used inside Daemonset/Deployment Chart Templates

johanneskant-tomtom opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello everyone,

first, I want to thank you for all the time you already spent into this project!

Unfortunately, there seems to be a small bug inside the volumeMounts section of the daemonset.yaml and deployment.yaml chart templates.

For some reason .Values.volumes is used there instead of .Values.volumeMounts what makes it currently impossible, to add volume (mounts) via a values.yaml file.

It would be great, If this issue could be fixed some day.

Many thanks in advance!

Kami commented

Thanks and a good catch.

I assume our end to end tests didn't catch that since we don't have a scenario in the test where .Values.volumeMounts is populated.

Will look into adding such test case.

Kami commented

Resolved via #31