
GitHub API returns 404

xplosionmind opened this issue · 1 comments



ⓘ  '' working dirs:
	Branch:		master


Hi! This is a small tool to update JSON/CSV files in the scambifestival/ repository!

ⓘ  Gathering credentials from file...

ⓘ  Gathering 'tablesInfos.yml' file...
ERROR: GitHub API returned an error while requesting for 'tablesInfos.yml'.
Error Code: 404

A good engineer should always have a plan B... so let me try another way...

ⓘ  'tablesInfos.yml' correctly loaded.

ⓘ  Gathering 'toUpdate.yml' file...
ERROR: GitHub API returned an error while requesting for 'toUpdate.yml'.
Error Code: 404

A good engineer should always have a plan B... so let me try another way...

ⓘ  'toUpdate.yml' correctly loaded.

Those files will be processed:

	1. '2021-labs.json'	(should be updated in JSON format using table w/ reference name '2021-labs')
	2. '2021-pinoli.json'	(should be updated in JSON format using table w/ reference name '2021-pinoli')
	3. '2022-labs.json'	(should be updated in JSON format using table w/ reference name '2022-labs')
	4. '2022-pinoli.json'	(should be updated in JSON format using table w/ reference name '2022-pinoli')
	5. 'people.csv'   	(should be updated in CSV format using table w/ reference name 'people')
	6. 'staff.csv'    	(should be updated in CSV format using table w/ reference name 'staff')

Choose an option:
	(Y) Proceed with processing those files.
	(N) End the script.

Other options:
	(U) Refresh 'toUpdate.yml' content.
	(I) Refresh 'tablesInfos.yml' content.
	(C) Change output file(s) format.
	(S) Select which file(s) you want to update/create.
	(E) Edit 'toUpdate.yml' file.
	(T) Edit 'tablesInfos.yml' file.

(Y/N/U/I/C/S/E/T) >>> t

Here's the 'tablesInfos.yml' configuration.

➔ 2021-labs
	excluded➔	''
	filters	➔	''
	id	➔	325
	included➔	''
	name	➔	2021-labs
	view_id	➔	2549

➔ 2021-pinoli
	excluded➔	''
	filters	➔	''
	id	➔	325
	included➔	''
	name	➔	2021-pinoli
	view_id	➔	2550

➔ 2022-labs
	filters	➔	''
	id	➔	313
	included➔	''
	excluded➔	''
	name	➔	2022 Program
	view_id	➔	1237

➔ 2022-pinoli
	filters	➔	''
	id	➔	313
	included➔	''
	excluded➔	''
	name	➔	2022 Program
	view_id	➔	1232

➔ people
	filters	➔	''
	id	➔	323
	included➔	''
	excluded➔	''
	name	➔	people
	view_id	➔	2551

➔ staff
	filters	➔	''
	id	➔	323
	included➔	''
	excluded➔	''
	name	➔	staff
	view_id	➔	2552

ⓘ  Keys are not indented.

Choose an option:
	(+) ➔ Add a new table to the config.
	(-) ➔ Remove a table from the config. 	! Changes will affect 'toUpdate.yml' file.
	(E) ➔ Edit an existing table.
	(B) ➔ Go back without editing.

(+/-/E/B) >>> +

Type the new table name:
	- Send (B) to go back.

>>> Table key ➔ 2023-labs

Key ➔ '2023-labs'


Type the 'name' parameter (should be the Baserow table name):
	- Send (B) to go back.

>>> 2023-lbs

Key ➔ '2023-labs'
	'name' ➔ '2023-lbs'

➔ ID

Type the 'id' parameter (should be the Baserow table ID):
	- Send (B) to go back.
ⓘ  This parameter must exists on Pino database.

>>> 651

Key ➔ '2023-labs'
	'name' ➔ '2023-lbs'
	'id' ➔ 651


Type the 'view_id' parameter (send '0' as default):
	- Send (B) to go back.

>>> 2555

Key ➔ '2023-labs'
	'name' ➔ '2023-lbs'
	'id' ➔ 651
	'view_id' ➔ '2555'


Type a comma separated list of columns you want to be included.
Send an empty string to inlcude all columns in the selected table or view.
	- Send (B) to go back.

ⓘ  Column names are case-sensitive!


Key ➔ '2023-labs'
	'name' ➔ '2023-lbs'
	'id' ➔ 651
	'view_id' ➔ '2555'
	'included' ➔ ''


Type a comma separated list of columns you want to be excluded.
Send an empty string to not exclude any columns from the selected table or view.
	- Send (B) to go back.

ⓘ  Column names are case-sensitive!


Key ➔ '2023-labs'
	'name' ➔ '2023-lbs'
	'id' ➔ '651'
	'view_id' ➔ '2555'
	'included' ➔ ''
	'excluded' ➔ ''


Type a comma separated list of filters ('filter__FIELDID__FILTERTYPE=VALUE').
Send an empty string to not apply filters.
	- Send (B) to go back.

ⓘ  This script only supports one-dimensional values (not matrices or arrays)

ERROR: GitHub API returned an error while requesting for 'tablesInfos.yml' update.
Error Code: 404

ⓘ  Gathering 'tablesInfos.yml' file...
ERROR: GitHub API returned an error while requesting for 'tablesInfos.yml'.
Error Code: 404

A good engineer should always have a plan B... so let me try another way...

ⓘ  'tablesInfos.yml' correctly loaded.

Those files will be processed:

	1. '2021-labs.json'	(should be updated in JSON format using table w/ reference name '2021-labs')
	2. '2021-pinoli.json'	(should be updated in JSON format using table w/ reference name '2021-pinoli')
	3. '2022-labs.json'	(should be updated in JSON format using table w/ reference name '2022-labs')
	4. '2022-pinoli.json'	(should be updated in JSON format using table w/ reference name '2022-pinoli')
	5. 'people.csv'   	(should be updated in CSV format using table w/ reference name 'people')
	6. 'staff.csv'    	(should be updated in CSV format using table w/ reference name 'staff')

Choose an option:
	(Y) Proceed with processing those files.
	(N) End the script.

Other options:
	(U) Refresh 'toUpdate.yml' content.
	(I) Refresh 'tablesInfos.yml' content.
	(C) Change output file(s) format.
	(S) Select which file(s) you want to update/create.
	(E) Edit 'toUpdate.yml' file.
	(T) Edit 'tablesInfos.yml' file.

(Y/N/U/I/C/S/E/T) >>> n

Process done. Bye!

2ale2 commented

Reference branch was master which doesn't exist in the repo: changed to main and issue fixed.