Set User Role upon invite
rtamburro opened this issue · 5 comments
I have followed the docs and every SO post on this and I cannot figure it out. I need an admin to set a User's role upon invite.
According to the docs, it should be as simple as adding this into app/controllers/users/invitations_controller.rb:
class Users::InvitationsController < Devise::InvitationsController
before_action :configure_permitted_parameters
# Permit the new params here.
def configure_permitted_parameters
devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:invite, keys: [:email, :role])
I do this an nothing appears in app/views/users/invitations/new.html.erb. That looks like:
<h2><%= t "" %></h2>
<%= simple_form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: invitation_path(resource_name), html: { method: :post }) do |f| %>
<%= f.error_notification %>
<% resource.class.invite_key_fields.each do |field| -%>
<div class="form-inputs">
<%= f.input field %>
<% end %>
<div class="form-actions">
<%= f.button :submit, t("") %>
<% end %>
My routes.rb file is structured as so:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :blocks
devise_for :users, :controllers => {registrations: 'registrations', invitations: 'users/invitations'}
resources :assignments
resources :games
resources :users, :only =>[:show]
root "home#show"
I have tested that the email is sent out properly and can confirm it does. Any ideas on why I can't set the role in the new.html.erb file? The role field should be populating, but it doesn't.
You must change view invitations/new to add role field too. Default view include only invite_key_fields, which are fields needed to look for existing user, by default only email.
So you must change view to add new fields, and add these new fields to devise_parameter_sanitizer as you did. It's explained in README,, you must add fields to sanitizer when you customize views adding more fields to form. Also, you don't need to override controller, you can add it to application controller.
I can't believe I never just tried adding that...thank you!
I think there should be an example in the docs of what a custom view might look like. A lot of research into my problem never showed anyone trying that and I think it would be a big help.
@rtamburro can you send PR improving that README section or adding a new one?
Yes, I will do that by end of tomorrow. Thanks again!
Just submitted, this was my first PR. Please let me know if anything needs correction.