Do you consider using C++'s template?
Rratic opened this issue · 3 comments
Rratic commented
Genericity in C++(template)is quite useful.
Making it more useful won't hurt.
scandum commented
There's someone working on a C++ port, but since quadsort is heavy on pointer usage it's not easy for the average person to port.
I do have a quadsort update ready for release that adds 8, 16, and 128 bit support.
Rratic commented
That's intersting!
Maybe the algo can extend to octasort or even 2^n sort?
For example,if it's 1024 bit ( (2^5)^2 ),we can try 2^5 sort?
(Only thinking
scandum commented
The quad swap provides 100% optimal swapping at 4 items, so increasing this to 8 or 16 won't make this any more than 100%.