
Improvement - Lerna improvements and ideas

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe current situation
Describe what the current situation and what problem it is causing for this improvement

There are some improvement that can be made and some ideas that might be good to look into regarding lerna

Describe the improvement
A clear and concise description of what kind of improvement you have in mind.

  • Not publish tags for each packages
  • Remove the command from package.json and just use lerna commands directly (idea)
  • Improvement for lerna config , might be needed
  • How it detect changes in the packages
  • Error when publishing from master branch(Might be solved on a seperate branch)

If applicable, please provide steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. run NPM run publish command
  2. It will detect all versions needs an update

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your ideas.

Additional context
Add any other context about the suggestion here.


Not relevant, due to us moving to one package to rule them all.