
Problem with GLI-2

Opened this issue · 4 comments

aih commented

I get this error when installing and serving Showoff according to instructions:
You should include GLI::App instead no longer works for GLI-2, you must just call `run(ARGV)' instead
either fix your app, or use the latest GLI in the 1.x family


Resolved by uninstall GLI in 2.x and then install GLI in 1.x by gem install gli -v '~>1.0'

I will not return to GLI 1.x !

aih commented

Thanks @haoch. @athoune, I should make it clear that the following is not my commentary, but the error I get:

You should include GLI::App instead no longer works for GLI-2, you must just call `run(ARGV)' instead
either fix your app, or use the latest GLI in the 1.x family