Foreign-Accented English from the crowdsourced Common Voice corpus.
- Use
recordings only fromcv-corpus-10.0-2022-07-04
. - ~20sec per speaker.
- ~100-500 speakers per accent-class.
- Favor speaker diversity and gender balance.
- Install docker-compose version > 1.29 or Compose V2 preferrably.
- Create a
file and define these variable:PATH_CORPORA=/local/directory/where/cv/was/downloaded/
# local port of choice
For example .env
PORT_JUPY=0 # 0 picks random port
Note: If using Compose V2, simply replace docker-compose
with docker compose
docker-compose build
docker-compose -p fae$USER up -d --force-recreate
Find the assigned local port by inspecting
docker-compose -p fae$USER ps
Name Command State Ports
faejsmith_FAECV_1 tini -g -- Up (healthy)>8888/tcp,:::49153->8888/tcp
The container is listening to that port: http://server:49153/
Find the corresponding access token in the container logs:
docker-compose -p fae$USER logs
Follow the FAE/CV22 recipe to duplicate the visualization below.
[1] Ardila R, Branson M, Davis K, Henretty M, Kohler M, Meyer J, Morais R, Saunders L, Tyers FM, Weber G. (2019). Common voice: A massively-multilingual speech corpus. arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.06670. 2019 Dec 13.