
LogoutHandlerInterface is deprecated since Symfony 5.1

thomas2411 opened this issue · 6 comments

Bundle version: 3.29.0
Symfony version: 5.1.0

User Deprecated: The "Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Authentication\RememberMe\RememberMeServicesDecorator" class implements "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout\LogoutHandlerInterface" that is deprecated since Symfony 5.1.

scheb commented

Yes, I know. For the matter of keeping backwards compatibility with older Symfony versions this will not go away until Symfony 6 is released and the interface is completely going away. It's a deprecation notice in the end, so nothing to worry about.

scheb commented

Closing this, as we won't be able to change this any soon.

To fix the deprecation we have to upgrade to scheb/2fa? Is there a migration guide/any BC changes?
EDIT: found here :)

scheb commented

There is currently no bundle version to make this deprecation message go away. The interface is necessary for backwards compatibility with Symfony versions before 5.1. In the end it's a deprecation message, nothing seriously to worry about. When Symfony 6 approaches (which will be the version removing the interface) there will be a solution for this issue.

ok, it's a little annoying to see this notice every time I run phpunit, hope it will be fixed sooner or later... If I have time I'll try to fork and make a pull request

scheb commented

A PR would by very welcomed :) Please issue it against scheb/2fa as this version (4.x) doesn't receive feature updates anymore.