
Expand Ecommerce Product page schema to include product question and answer content

sbjc23 opened this issue · 4 comments

We have customers who are asking about structured data for product Q&A within the Product page and how/if they can implement that. It is becoming more and more common to have product Q&A (or community Q&A) on product pages for ecommerce merchants, but while reviews are built into the schema.....product Q&A is not currently covered. This content is valuable from an SEO standpoint and would be great if that was made available so the question/answer/authors/votes/etc could be recognized as structured data.

Any plans on working this into the product page schema?

Actually you can already chain products to Q&A's. An example of this is:

  "name":"Example product",
    "text":"What does...?",
      "text": "(The text of the accepted answer goes here...).",
      "dateCreated": "2010-12-01T22:01Z",
        "@type": "Person",
        "name": "someuser"
    "text":"How does...?",
      "text": "(The text of the accepted answer goes here...).",
      "dateCreated": "2010-12-01T22:01Z",
        "@type": "Person",
        "name": "someuser"

Thanks for the note. Do you know of any examples of sites using that or how it pulls up in Google rich results when people are asking product questions via Google? Appreciate the experience/insights.

Alas I currently have no examples of sites implementing it though I have published such markup in the past.

As for if and how a consumer, like Google (or Bing, Yandex, etc), might use such markup (for things like rich results) is beyond the scope of this vocabulary and instead might better be asked at their product forums.

Thanks a ton. Appreciate the time/feedback and will be interested to see if anyone else in the community has any other feedback or examples they can show.