
A lot of pylint errors on Models

rmmcnulty9 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am running pylint on my codebase and I am getting errors like this all over the place.

Instance of 'ModelType' has no 'foobar' member (no-member)
Value 'my_model['baz']' is unsubscriptable (unsubscriptable-object)
"my_model['bar']" does not support item assignment (unsupported-assignment-operation)
Non-iterable value my_list_model is used in an iterating context (not-an-iterable)

I thought that setting schematics as generated-members in the .pylintrc would fix this but I cannot seem to get it to work. Does anyone have tips? I'd rather not just turn these lint checks off.

I hereby confirm this issue. For example:
Instance of 'StringType' has no 'format' member (no-member)