
OnLineBible export: Improve footnote handling

Michahel opened this issue · 19 comments

The closing bracket must be at the end of the footnote text. If there is a NewLineCode \& after the closing bracket, then this creates a problem.
BibleMultiConverter works as follows:

  • Before:
   <para style="xxx">First paragraph in a note</para>
   <para style="xxx">Second paragraph in a note</para>
   <para style="xxx">Third paragraph in a note</para>
  • After BibleMultiConverter:
   First paragraph in a note\&Second paragraph in a note\&Third paragraph in a note\&

I propose to make a very simple solution to the problem, which will greatly improve the display of text in the Online Bible:

  • After BibleMultiConverter:
   \&First paragraph in a note\&Second paragraph in a note\&Third paragraph in a note

Put NewLineCode not at the end of the paragraph, but in front.

For very simple solutions, pull requests are appreciated. If you do not provide a pull request, please let the one who actually fixes it evaluate if a solution is very simple or very complex or something in between. Thanks.

Can you share an example that actually contains a foot note? Footnotes in USX are made by the <note> tag, not by the <para> tag. Also it would help to see the actual paragraph styles, since some paragraph styles create headlines (which never get a line break when exported to OnLineBible), some create prologs, some create verse content and others are skipped.

I tried to install OnLineBible 5.60 myself, and while I think I managed to import, check and compile my own Bible module, it does not show up in the Favourites window in Bibles?

I am also getting the same warnings as you, plus I get a few dozen of these:

Noteline contains an odd number of dashs.

Do you know what the problem here is? In fact, not all of the lines that contain an odd number of dashes create this warning, also some of those lines have an even number of dashes. And in English, it is perfectly fine to have a sentence with an odd number of dashes - like this one.

I tried to install OnLineBible 5.60

Why version 5.60? The latest version is 5.61.

Here we mean when the ASCII dash character is in a row one after the other. For example:
This is an odd number: ---, -----, -------, ...
This is even: --, ----, ------, ...

You, most likely, lines end with a dash. Online Bible does not like ASCII dash at the end of a line.
There are two ways.

  • Change dash - to double dash -- globally in Noteset, this will transform -- -> — (Unicode Long Dash = #8212). You can use the Replace in the Basic Editor. See screen capture.
  • Or use the symbol !! before the dash !!-. The topic "Checking Modules" says:

You can suppress "Orphan token" or "Invalid Token" detection by prefixing a "!!" before the token.

All cases when the Online Bible generates these error messages Trailing Characters After should be divided into two categories:

  1. At the end of the Trailing Characters is NewLineCode.
  2. There are punctuation marks at the end of the Trailing Characters.

The solution to the problem must be sought separately. I have selected all the verses in which the message of the first category occurs. I chose verses along with context: several paragraphs of context before and after the paragraph that contains the problem verse. All files with selected verses are in the archive. I hope this set of verses makes it easier to find the source of the problem. I cannot provide the entire text of the Bible in its entirety, because I received this text under an agreement that forbids me to do so.

At the moment, after some last change, the conversion is not successful. Here are the error messages:

C:\PROGS\BibleMultiConverter>java -jar BibleMultiConverter.jar USX N:\Bibles\CAR
S\Text OnLineBible R:\_CARS.Exp IgnoreKJV
WARNING: Unsupported structured reference format at 1CH.usx line 12, column 255
- replaced by plain text: 1CH 11-9
WARNING: Unsupported structured reference format at 2CH.usx line 582, column 260
 - replaced by plain text: 1KI 17-2
WARNING: Unsupported structured reference format at LUK.usx line 69, column 864
- replaced by plain text: 1KI 17-2
WARNING: Unsupported structured reference format at MAL.usx line 91, column 586
- replaced by plain text: 1KI 17-2
WARNING: Unsupported structured reference format at MAT.usx line 603, column 183
1 - replaced by plain text: 1KI 17-2
WARNING: Unsupported structured reference format at MRK.usx line 360, column 366
 - replaced by plain text: 1KI 17-2
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Нач., using Gen instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Исх., using Exod instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Лев., using Lev instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Чис., using Num instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Втор., using Deut instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Иеш., using Josh instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Суд., using Judg instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Руфь, using Ruth instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 1Цар., using 1Sam instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 2Цар., using 2Sam instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 3Цар., using 1Kgs instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 4Цар., using 2Kgs instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 1Лет., using 1Chr instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 2Лет., using 2Chr instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Узайр, using Ezra instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Неем., using Neh instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Есф., using Esth instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Аюб, using Job instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Заб., using Ps instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Мудр., using Prov instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Разм., using Eccl instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Песн., using Song instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Ис., using Isa instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Иер., using Jer instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Плач, using Lam instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Езек., using Ezek instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Дан., using Dan instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Ос., using Hos instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Иоиль, using Joel instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Ам., using Amos instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Авд., using Obad instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Юнус, using Jonah instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Мих., using Mic instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Наум, using Nah instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Авв., using Hab instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Соф., using Zeph instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Агг., using Hag instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Зак., using Zech instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Мал., using Mal instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Мат., using Matt instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Мк., using Mark instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Лк., using Luke instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Ин., using John instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Деян., using Acts instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Рим., using Rom instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 1Кор., using 1Cor instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 2Кор., using 2Cor instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Гал., using Gal instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Эф., using Eph instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Флп., using Phil instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Кол., using Col instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 1Фес., using 1Thess instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 2Фес., using 2Thess instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 1Тим., using 1Tim instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 2Тим., using 2Tim instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Тит, using Titus instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Флм., using Phlm instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Евр., using Heb instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Якуб, using Jas instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 1Пет., using 1Pet instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 2Пет., using 2Pet instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 1Ин., using 1John instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 2Ин., using 2John instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation 3Ин., using 3John instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Иуда, using Jude instead
WARNING: Unsupported book abbreviation Отк., using Rev instead
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at biblemulticonverter.format.paratext.ParatextBook$ParatextCharacterCon
        at biblemulticonverter.format.paratext.AbstractParatextFormat$1.visitPar
        at biblemulticonverter.format.paratext.ParatextCharacterContent.acceptTh
        at biblemulticonverter.format.paratext.ParatextBook.accept(ParatextBook.
        at biblemulticonverter.format.paratext.AbstractParatextFormat.importPara
        at biblemulticonverter.format.paratext.AbstractParatextFormat.doImport(A
        at biblemulticonverter.Main.main(


Here is a list of the first category misspelled verses:

Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - Nu 13:17
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Nu 27:14
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - De 27:15
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Jud 13:22
Trailing Characters After <  .)».}\&> At - 1Sa 14:18
Trailing Characters After <  .}):\&\&> At - 2Sa 1:18
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - 1Ki 14:11
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - 1Ki 21:19
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - 2Ki 9:31
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - 2Ki 18:22
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - 2Ch 24:6
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - Ezr 5:4
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Job 7:12
Trailing Characters After <  !»}\&> At - Job 14:4
Trailing Characters After <  ».}):\&> At - Job 15:19
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - Job 22:2
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - Job 35:11
Trailing Characters After <  ?»}\&> At - Job 38:36
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - Ps 63:6
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Ps 77:20
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - Pr 31:2
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Isa 10:9
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - Isa 36:7
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - Isa 40:3
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Isa 51:10
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - Jer 2:18
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - Ho 4:4
Trailing Characters After <  .})?»\&\&> At - Am 6:13
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mt 1:21
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mt 2:18
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mt 7:23
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - Mt 9:27
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mt 15:2
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mt 17:5
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mt 19:7
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - Mt 19:25
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mt 26:64
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mr 1:11
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mr 2:24
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - Mr 9:7
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mr 10:19
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - Mr 10:26
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mr 11:9
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Mr 15:34
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Lu 1:50
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Lu 3:22
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Lu 6:2
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Lu 9:35
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Lu 9:54
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Lu 13:27
Trailing Characters After <  ?»}\&> At - Lu 16:12
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Lu 18:20
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - Lu 23:31
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Lu 23:35
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - Lu 23:47
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - Lu 24:36
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Joh 1:25
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Joh 1:34
Trailing Characters After <  .})!\&> At - Joh 1:41
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Joh 8:58
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Joh 19:7
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - Joh 20:19
Trailing Characters After <  ).}\&> At - Ac 1:6
Trailing Characters After <  “».}\&> At - Ac 8:35
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - Ac 28:27
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Ro 10:15
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Ro 11:34
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Ro 11:35
Trailing Characters After <  ?»}\&> At - 1Co 7:16
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Php 2:8
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Php 2:11
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - 1Th 1:1
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Jas 2:25
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Re 1:18
Trailing Characters After <  ».}\&> At - Re 15:3
Trailing Characters After <  .}\&> At - Re 18:18

I think we should just drop the \& at the end of the verse, because the next verse already starts on a new line. Using this code results in blank lines between verses, which looks very unattractive. Thus, we can solve this problem as well.

Why version 5.60? The latest version is 5.61.

Can you share a download link? I was trying to find a download on, but was unable to. On the latest version available is 5.60.

I think we should just drop the & at the end of the verse, because the next verse already starts on a new line.

I was trying to do my own conversion to see if there is any paragraph mode for custom Bibles, where it would matter if the verse ends with a newline. But as I wrote, I was unable to. So probably I will just remove newlines at end of verses as you suggested.

Do you know what characters count as punctuation for OnLineBible? Is it just ASCII punctuation, or also Unicode punctuation? Or just dashes? If the line ends with a single punctuation, I can add an extra !! before it. (I hope it also works for ! as last character).

Also, does adding the !! do anything else than suppress the warning? So could you as well just ignore the warning and get the same results? Then probably it is not worth the hassle to find all problematic punctuation and just special-case dashes and newlines at the end.

Can you share a download link?

To update the Online Bible select Help > Check for Program Updates from the main menu.

Do you know what characters count as punctuation for OnLineBible?

I think that all is not purely alpha/numeric

Also, does adding the !! do anything else than suppress the warning? So could you as well just ignore the warning and get the same results?

I've done testing. Using the !! solves our problem. You just need to make sure that there is a space between the Close Brace } and the !!. For example: <».} !!).>

This is the solution for either first or second category problem. But, at the end of the verse, all \& must be removed. The Online Bible has a Paragraph Style option, but when it is turned on, the text is formatted into paragraphs that are embedded in the program itself, while absolutely all \& are ignored. It turns out that the Online Bible does not support custom formatting for paragraphs. We must accept this and refuse such formatting. But nevertheless, it is better to leave \& inside the verses (not at the end).

To update the Online Bible select Help > Check for Program Updates from the main menu.

Thanks, I guess I should not run my Windows test VMs without virtual network card. And it appears the download happens from - yet another domain, so I guess I should update the link in the README.

Do you know what characters count as punctuation for OnLineBible?

I settled for all Unicode characters with property "{PUNCT}" but without curly braces or backslash. We will see how correct this is.

I tested poorly. I am correcting my mistake. The problem is solved by !! only when there is a Closing Bracket after the Closing Curly Brace <})>. In other cases using the !! does not solve the problem. The problem is as follows.

If footnotes are available with the Bible version you are using, then Selecting Footnotes feature will allow you to toggle the footnotes on and off.
For example, we have in the verse:

Text1 {Footnote}<punctuation> Text2

When footnotes are turned on, that's what we see. But when the footnotes are turned off, then we see:

Text1 Text2.

The punctuation to the right of the Close Brace } is hidden along with the footnotes. Therefore, this problem will need to be solved by transforming:

Text1 {Footnote}<punctuation> Text2 ---> Text1<punctuation> {Footnote} Text2

So let me summarize this more formally so I can implement it

  • When exporting to OnLineBible, every footnote has to be followed (optionally separated by whitespace) either by another footnote, by a letter (Unicode category L), a digit (Unicode category N) or by the end of the verse.
  • When this is not true, any non-conforming material has to be moved before the (first) footnote

So a more contrived example

Here is some Text{Note1}.{Note2}++ {Note3}! And more{Note} {Note5} 4 U!

should be transformed to

Here is some Text.++ !{Note1}{Note2}{Note3} And more{Note} {Note5} 4 U!

Also, as discussed in this comment, Footnotes (and also headlines which get converted to bold footnotes) should never contain markers for italic text, as footnotes are always rendered as italic text.

Anything else I forgot about footnotes?

I want to correct the example.

should be transformed to

Here is some Text.++! {Note1} {Note2} {Note3} And more {Note} {Note5} 4 U!

Here it is desirable to put things in order in the spaces. All footnotes are separated by spaces. Those characters that are moving before footnotes are appended to the previous token without spaces.

Anything else I forgot about footnotes?

There should be no footnotes inside footnotes.

For example: {Footnote1 {Footnote2} Footnote3}

This problem arose in Ps 3:1. I will create a new issue dedicated to this.

Anything else I forgot about footnotes?

There should be no footnotes inside footnotes.

Good catch. BibleMultiConverter's intermediate format already disallows this, but as we convert headlines to footnotes first, a footnote in a headline will inevitably create this problem.

For example: {Footnote1 {Footnote2} Footnote3}

This problem arose in Ps 3:1. I will create a new issue dedicated to this.

Please keep it in this issue, if possible.

I am converting USX to OnLineBible Format. Module has Descriptive titles.
When I run the converter, I get the following result:

  • Before:
  <para style="d">
    <verse number="1" style="v"/>Xxxxx Xxxxxx, xxxxx xx xxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx<note caller="+" style="f"><char style="fr" closed="false">3:1 </char><char style="ft" closed="false">Xx. <char style="xt"><ref loc="2SA 15-17">2 Xxx. 15–17</ref></char>.</char></note>.</para>
  <para style="b"/>
  <para style="q1">
    <verse number="2" style="v"/>Xxxxxx, xxx xxxxx xxxxx x xxxx xxxxxx!</para>
  <para style="q2">Xxx xxxxx xxx, xxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx!</para>
  • After BibleMultiConverter:
$$$ Ps 3:2 
 {\$Xxxxx Xxxxxx, xxxxx xx xxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx {3:1 Xx. 2 Xxx. 15–17.} !!.\$} Xxxxxx, xxx xxxxx xxxxx x xxxx xxxxxx!\&Xxx xxxxx xxx, xxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx! 

Error occured here: footnote inside itself footnote markers {3:1 Xx. 2 Xxx. 15–17.}.
See how it is customary to design a Descriptive title in the AV module. {See screen capture}
So I propose to design the Descriptive title as follows:

$$$ Ps 3:1 
\!«Xxxxx Xxxxxx, xxxxx xx xxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx.»\! {3:1 Xx. \\#2Sa 15:1-17:29\\.}
$$$ Ps 3:2 
Xxxxxx, xxx xxxxx xxxxx x xxxx xxxxxx!\&Xxx xxxxx xxx, xxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx! 

Formatting code \!...\! is small text. See topic "Formatting Text in Notes" for more information. Notice that the .»\! has moved from the position after the footnote to the front as punctuation symbols according to the rules:

\!«Descriptive title {Footnote}.»\! ---> \!«Descriptive title.»\! {Footnote}

As a special case, it is also necessary to consider Ps 50:1-3.

  • Before:
  <para style="d">
    <verse number="1" style="v"/>Xxxxxxxx xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx, <verse number="2" style="v"/>xxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxx x xxxx, xxxxx xxxx, xxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxx x Xxxxxxxxx<note caller="+" style="f"><char style="fr" closed="false">50:2 </char><char style="ft" closed="false">Xx. <char style="xt"><ref loc="2SA 11:1-12:23">2 Xxx. 11:1–12:23</ref></char>.</char></note>.</para>
  <para style="b"/>
  <para style="q1">
    <verse number="3" style="v"/>X Xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx xxxx</para>
  <para style="q2">xx Xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx,</para>
  <para style="q1">xx Xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx</para>
  <para style="q2">xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx.</para>
  • After BibleMultiConverter:
$$$ Ps 50:3 
 {\$Xxxxxxxx xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx, xxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxx x xxxx, xxxxx xxxx, xxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxx x Xxxxxxxxx {50:2 Xx. 2 Xxx. 11:1–12:23.} !!.\$} X Xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx xxxx\&xx Xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx,\&xx Xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx\&xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx.

It should be like this:

  • After BibleMultiConverter:
$$$ Ps 50:1 
\!«Xxxxxxxx xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx,»\!
$$$ Ps 50:2 
\!«xxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxx x xxxx, xxxxx xxxx, xxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxx x Xxxxxxxxx.»\! {50:2 Xx. \\#2Sa 11:1-12:23\\.}
$$$ Ps 50:3 
X Xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx xxxx\&xx Xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx,\&xx Xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx\&xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx.

Another example that demonstrates that footnotes inside a Descriptive Title are acceptable. Using the \!«...»\! for a Descriptive Title does not result in an error.

  • Before:
  <para style="r">(<ref loc="PSA 13">Xxx. 13</ref>)</para>
  <para style="d">
    <verse number="1" style="v"/>Xxxxxxxx xxxx. Xxx xxxxxxx<note caller="+" style="f"><char style="fr" closed="false">52:1 </char><char style="fk" closed="false">Xxxxxxx </char><char style="ft" closed="false">– xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx) xxx xxxxx.</char></note>. Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx.</para>
  <para style="b"/>
  <para style="q1">
    <verse number="2" style="v"/>Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx x xxxxxx xxxxx:</para>
  <para style="q2">«Xxx Xxxxxxxxxx».</para>
  <para style="q1">Xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxx xx xxxx;</para>
  <para style="q2">xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx.</para>
  <para style="b"/>
  • After BibleMultiConverter:
$$$ Ps 52:2 
 {\$\@(\\#Ps 13:1-999\\)\@\$} {\$Xxxxxxxx xxxx. Xxx xxxxxxx {52:1 Xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx) xxx xxxxx.} !!. Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx.\$} Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx x xxxxxx xxxxx:\&«Xxx Xxxxxxxxxx».\&Xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxx xx xxxx;\&xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx.\&

It should be like this:

  • After BibleMultiConverter:
$$$ Ps 52:1
 {\\#Ps 13:1-999\\} \!«Xxxxxxxx xxxx. Xxx xxxxxxx. {52:1 Xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx) xxx xxxxx.} Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx.»\!
$$$ Ps 52:2
Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx x xxxxxx xxxxx:\&«Xxx Xxxxxxxxxx».\&Xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxx xx xxxx;\&xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx.\&

Note that <para style="b"/> gives at the end of the verse \&. Don't let this be embarrassing. This time it's okay and looks quite appropriate.

When exporting to OnLineBible, every footnote has to be followed (optionally separated by whitespace) either by another footnote, by a letter (Unicode category L), a digit (Unicode category N) or by the end of the verse.

We need to add the back slash (\) to this list. Otherwise, Document Flow Control like \& will be moved.

Also we need to wrap to new lines all \&. This will solve a problem that is similar to the one mentioned here.

The descriptive titles was actually a bigger gotcha - I accidentally treated \d as headline paragraph style instead of scripture paragraph style, resulting in all kinds of tags getting lost. Also while fixing that in USX import, I fixed a few more small issues in handling of table cells. I hope they do not affect your bible, if yes feel free to open a new issue and attach a new ParatextDump.

Also, your last comments may not be covered by the fix, but I myself fixed that onle one \& was removed instead of all of them.

I'd suggest you try if these fixes fix your issues, and if not open a new issue (one issue for all OnLineBible export issues is enough).

I'd suggest you try if these fixes fix your issues, and if not open a new issue (one issue for all OnLineBible export issues is enough).

I don't understand English well, so I apologize if I understand something wrong. I realized that you are recommending that I create one general issue in case the latest changes do not help. I continue to experience problems, so I am ready to create one common issue for all subsequent problems.

You understood correctly. :-)

Put all OnLineBible related problems into #51. If you find any other problems (exporting to other formats or when importing), feel free to create new issues for them.