
Whitespace missing

shadow-light opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, in converting USFM -> USX3 I've noticed that it results in no whitespace when a verse starts mid-paragraph:

\v 4 And this write we vnto you that oure ioye maye be full. 
\v 5 And this is the tydynges which we have hearde of him and declare vnto you that god is lyght and in him is no darknes at all 
<verse number="4" style="v" sid="1JN 1:4"/>And this write we vnto you that oure ioye maye be full.<verse eid="1JN 1:4"/><verse number="5" style="v" sid="1JN 1:5"/>And this is the tydynges which we have hearde of him and declare vnto you that god is lyght and in him is no darknes at all<verse eid="1JN 1:5"/>


I then convert the USX to HTML and it leaves no space between words (in this case be full.And this) because there's none in the USX either.

I saw some discussion possibly relating to this in #39 but don't know what the conclusion was?

You should be able to get the space back by passing "-Dbiblemulticonverter.paratext.usx.verseseparatortext= " as an argument to your Java process (before the -jar).

In my opinion, that behaviour should be the default, but you have seen that there has been some discussion about it.

That worked, thanks!

Yes seems like it should be the default. I wonder whether paratext does it too?