
Incorrect typings for Reminder attributes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hey, love the project! I finally switched over to your library after having maintained my own version for years.

I know this issue is not your fault, since these typings are automatically generated from the docs, but though I'd flag it anyway.

notes, dueDate, and completionDate can all be falsy, and are by default. You can confirm this by running the following code in Scriptable:

const r = new Reminder();
  notes: String(r.notes),
  dueDate: String(r.dueDate),
  completionDate: String(r.completionDate)
}, null, 2));

Which results in this:

  "notes": "undefined",
  "dueDate": "null",
  "completionDate": "null"

But your package, and the Scriptable docs, show all those values as never being falsy.

I've fixed this in my own codebase w/ the following type declaration:

declare class AdjustedReminder extends Reminder {
  notes?: string;
  dueDate?: Date;
  completionDate?: Date;

And then I just use AdjustedReminder anywhere I'd otherwise use Reminder (as a type).

Thank you for the contribution!

I've only just seen this now, otherwise I would have changed the types earlier. I've already made a few improvements from the automatically generated types since some are not accurate (e.g. XMLParser would be unusable because no parameter would be passed to the callback functions).