
Show all values in value/weight column with the same number of decimal places

mkq opened this issue · 2 comments

mkq commented

I find the mis-aligned value/weight float column not very readable at first glance. For example:

Please show all values with the same number of decimal digits.

Would be nice if the number of digits was configurable. I think i'd set it to zero (i.e. round to integer values), as it was in version 2.2 IIRC.

BTW, i first filed this as Please make that issue tracker read-only if it is no longer used.


Padding with lots of 0's doesn't look too great, even then they don't line up nicely because the font isn't monospaced so you'd have the same issue still.

I thought about adding precision to the MCM a while ago, but it just seemed an unnecessary option, so instead everything was forced to 2dp precision and chops off any decimal 0s.

mkq commented

I was aware of the proportional font issue. It wouldn't be perfect, but at least "5.00" would align with "5.11" much better than just "5". It looks like while (the visible part of) a "1" is indeed very thin, it has a little more spacing than other numbers, so alltogether it would not look too bad.

Any votes from others to make the precision option seem less unnecessary? :-) Or - if the float precision stays at variable 0-2 digits - maybe a checkbox "round to integer"?