
Request MCM function SetCurrentPage()

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I'm writing a mod that will have a variable number of MCM pages. Right now I have to build "Pages = new string[some big enough value]". What I'm doing is initializing all pages to " " and then overwriting the pages that are actually used to proper values.

In OnPageReset I'm testing if Page == " ", and if so, I won't re-draw. What I want to do is set a script local flag to the last page that successfully made it through OnPageReset, and if Page == " ", then I want to SetCurrentPage( LastGoodPage ).

I don't mind digging through the SKI_ scripts and allowing this myself, but I imagine I'm not the only person wanting this functionality and you would know how to implement this faster than I would, or know if there's anything preventing it from even being possible.

At the same time, is there any way that I could set a given page name to some value that will prevent the page title from being highlighted?