
Up/Down arrows auto-repeat in lists.

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Feature request (Enhancement):
Auto repeat for the up and down arrows in lists.

When scrolling through a list in the interface (for example, a list of inventory items), if you press the up or down arrow once, it will move to the next higher or lower item in the list. However, if you hold down the up or down arrow continuously, nothing further will happen. (You currently have to press and release the arrow key over and over in order to use the arrows to navigate list items with the keyboard.)

The typical behavior for other programs within a list component is that if you hold down the arrow key, your highlighted selection will start to move up or down the list (and the scrollbar will move with it to keep the currently selected item on the screen). This enhancement request is for the arrow keys to implement this auto repeat behavior.

Implementation details:
The delay value and the repeat rate would define how this feature "feels". A reasonable start would be a delay of 1000 ms, and a repeat rate of 20 list items per second. To clarify: The user would have to hold down the up arrow for 1000 ms before autorepeat begins. Once the repetition begins, the highlighted item would change at a rate of 20 items per second. These numbers are just estimates. The programmer would need to play with these values to find out what feels right.