
Synchronize issue trackers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tracker Sync: Tool for Synchronizing Issue Trackers

Author: Ralf Schlatterbeck <rsc@runtux.com>

When running an issue tracker – e.g. for tracking bugs and feature requests of a software project – sooner or later the requirement arises that you want to synchronize certain issues with an external issue tracker.

External issue trackers might be run by an external open source project where you're monitoring certain issues because bugs you're tracking locally depend on fixes of the remote project. Or you're a company tracking issues of their customers – the customer may run their own issue tracker and certain issues in the customer's tracker are for you.

In particular this is widespread in the automotive industry: Suppliers are expected to synchronize their bug-trackers with the bug-tracker of the OEM they're working for. For an individual supplier usually more than one OEM-tracker needs to be kept in sync.

This project solves this requirement. Currently the local issue tracker (the one you are running) is limited to roundup, an open source issue tracker or jira a well-known commercial offering. For the remote tracker we're currently supporting KPMweb, the issue tracker run by VW/Audi with access for their suppliers – if you're one of them you know how to access it. Another OEM from the automotive industry is now supported: The tracker run by Porsche named PFIFF. Other remote trackers are currently being implemented, notably support for jira. This is not to be confused with the local tracker you are running: Jira is well-supported as the local tracker. Jira as the remote tracker, however, is work in progress.

Extending Roundup

This section applies only when you're running roundup. For synchronisation with external trackers you need to add a new Class and several attributes to your roundup instance. We need a new ext_tracker Class:

ext_tracker = Class(db, "ext_tracker", name = String (indexme = 'no')
    , description = String (indexme = 'no')
    , url_template = String (indexme = 'no'))

This Class tracks information about external trackers. If two-way message synchronisation should be used an additional class is needed for keeping track of the message-ids in the remote system:

ext_msg = Class(db, "ext_msg", ext_tracker = Link ("ext_tracker")
    , msg = Link ("msg")
    , ext_id = String (indexme = 'no')
    , key = String (indexme = 'no')

Now we need to add some attributes to the issue class for keeping information about the external tracker:

, ext_id = String ()
, ext_status = String ()
, ext_attributes = Link ("msg")
, ext_tracker = Link ("ext_tracker")

These attributes are needed for keeping track of the status of the remote issue. In particular the ext_id tracks a unique identifier of the remote issue. The ext_attributes track all attributes of the remote issue as a json dictionary. If you want to display these attributes in your issue, it makes sense to extend the html templates html/issue.item.html and html/issue.index.html in your tracker directory.

Running the Sync

To configure the synchronisation you can find example configuration files in the config-example subdirectory. Configuration files are in python syntax and should end in .py. The attributes to synchronize need to be defined. Property definitions typically define the attribute name on the remote side and on the local (roundup or jira) side. For both, roundup and jira, property names can include dots (".") indicating dereferencing an item, e.g., "prio.description" would dereference a Link property "prio" and return the value of the property "description" of this prio. In addition there is a syntax in roundup for Link1-properties: These are not stored in the roundup-issue itself but link to the roundup issue with a Link property named "issue". The sync framework makes sure that at most one such link exists per issue. The syntax for these properties is "/<classname>/property" where property can again be a multilevel property including dots. The classname is the name of the Link1 class and the item linking to the currently-synchronized issue is determined by searching the class for items where the "issue" property refers to the current issue.

The following attribute definitions are possible:

  • Sync_Attribute_One_Way defines a one-way sync from the remote tracker to your local roundup tracker. It gets two parameters, the name in roundup called roundup_name and the name in the remote issue tracker called remote_name. An example is the title attribute in roundup which is named Kurztext in KPMweb. We also want to synchronize the remote Status to the ext_status field in roundup.
  • Sync_Attribute_Default defines a one-way sync from the remote tracker to your local roundup tracker but the attribute in the local roundup tracker is only set if it is still undefined. In particular this happens when a new issue is created locally. It gets three parameters, the same two parameters as a Sync_Attribute_One_Way, and a third default parameter. If a remote_name is given, the value – if it is non-empty – is used. If the remote value is not set or if the remote_name is specified as None, the default parameter will be used instead. This is useful to define suitable defaults for new issues created in roundup.
  • Sync_Attribute_To_Remote defines a one-way sync to the remote tracker. A use-case is to set the local tracker issue number in the remote tracker (if the remote tracker supports a fields for this).
  • Sync_Attribute_Multi_To_Remote is similar to Sync_Attribute_To_Remote but with a mapping of multiple local attributes to a single remote attribute. A map must be specified and must contain a table of tuples of local attribute values to a single remote value. Wildcards are possible and are defined as None. The first entry wins, so entries with more specific matches must precede more general ones (with more wildcards). An example is given in config-example/pfiff_jira_config.py.
  • Sync_Attribute_Two_Way defines a two-way sync to the remote tracker. The sync first determines if the attribute in the remote tracker has changed (by comparing the ext_attributes from the last sync to the current attributes). If the attribute has changed in the remote tracker, the attribute is updated in roundup – even if it also changed there. Only if the attribute has not changed in the remote tracker it is determined if the roundup attribute is different from the remote attribute. If it is, the remote tracker is updated.
  • Sync_Attribute_Files synchronizes file attachments of the remote issue to the local issue. If an optional prefix parameter is given to the constructor, all filenames starting with the given prefix are considered for synchronisation to the remote tracker. First all files of the remote tracker are checked against local files. Then the opposite direction is synchronized considering only the files with a relevant prefix in their filename. Note that files synchronized to the remote system are renamed to the naming convention enforced by the remote system in the local tracker. This is done because for file synchronisation only the filename is compared between the remote system and the local system. Each remote sync implementation must ensure that the filenames generated are unique for each roundup issue. For example for Jira the filenames consist of the filename in Jira plus the unique file id in Jira.
  • Sync_Attribute_Messages synchronizes messages of the remote tracker with the messages in the local tracker. First all messages of the remote tracker are checked against the local messages, all messages not found in the local tracker are created. The synchronisation in the other direction is only done if a keyword parameter is given to the class constructor of Sync_Attribute_Messages. All messages having the given keyword are synchronized to the remote tracker. This is currently only implemented for roundup as the local tracker.
  • Sync_Attribute_Message synchronizes a field in the remote tracker to a new message in roundup. Whenever the field in the remote issue changes, a new message is created in roundup and linked to the issue. The sync attribute gets two parameters, the remote_name of the field in the remote issue tracker and a headline that should be put into the roundup message as the first line. This sync attribute type exists because some issue trackers (notably KPMweb) don't have the notion of a discussion thread with messages added to an issue. In that case communication takes place with fixed fields that can be filled in during the process of resolving an issue, these fields change of time. An example is the analysis of the problem underlying an issue that is specified in the Analyse field in KPMweb. We synchronize this field to a roundup message with the headline Analyse:.
  • Sync_Attribute_Default_Message specifies a default message that is added to the local issue whenever all other message synchronisation has not produced any message. This attribute needs to be after all other message synchronisation attributes in the list of sync attributes. Adding a default message is used to add at least one message to a new issue in roundup because at least one message is required.

In addition to the synchronized attributes, the URL of the local tracker (which depending on the backend might include user name and password) needs to be specified in the configuration file with the variable LOCAL_URL. If the username and password are not included in that url, they need to be specified with the config items LOCAL_USERNAME and LOCAL_PASSWORD. The type of local tracker needs to be selected with LOCAL_TRACKER.

Some interesting attributes for Sync_Attribute constructors:

  • The self explanatory ones are, e.g. local_name or remote_name specifying the attribute names in the local or remote tracker, respectively.
  • The l_default and r_default specify the local and remote default values, respectively. They apply when the local or remote value is undefined.
  • The only_create flag applies to the sync to the remote side and makes this rule apply only to remote issue creation. The Sync_Attribute, of course, must be one of the To_Remote variants.
  • Likewise the only_update applies to the sync to the remote side and is not run during remote issue creation. It can be specified for the To_Local variants.
  • The l_only_create flag is used to run a sync only on creation of the local issue.
  • Likewise there is a l_only_update flag that specifies that the sync should be run only when the local issue already exists.
  • The only_assigned flag specifies that the sync should be run only if the remote issue is assigned to us. For KPM this is the case when the remote issue is in our mailbox.
  • The after_create flag specifies that this sync -- in addition to running it normally -- should be also run after creation of the remote issue. This is typically only used to get the KPM ProblemNumber into the local issue after creating the remote issue (only then do we know the ProblemNumber).

KPMweb web service

The KPMweb user name and the mailbox address of the supplier in KPMweb (used as a search term, also called organisational unit) can be specified in the configuration file with the options KPM_USERNAME and KPM_OU. In addition the KPM_PLANT needs to be given, in the default config this is a testing-area named Z$. These options can also be set on the command line. If they are specified in both, the configuration file and on the command line, the command line wins.

The configuration file for the KPMweb synchronisation typically lives in /etc/trackersync/kpm_config.py but can be overridden on the command line. The configuration file for the Jira synchronisation backend lives in the same directory by default.

For accessing KPM, a client certificate and a key are needed. By default these are in PEM format in the directory /etc/trackersync, the private key in the file kpm_certificate.key and the certificate in the file kpm_certificate.pem. The config items KPM_CERTPATH and KPM_KEYPATH can be used to change the location and filename of certificate and key file.

If you got certificate and key in a PKCS12 bundle, there is now experimental support for directly using the .pkcs12 file (without having to convert it to PEM format): Set the configuration variable KPM_PKCS12_PATH to the location of the file and optionally set KPM_PKCS12_PASSWORD to the password of the file if it is password protected. This overrides the KPM_CERTPATH and KPM_KEYPATH settings which are not used when a PKCS12 file is in use. For the PKCS12 support you need to install the requests-pkcs12 python package:

pip install requests-pkcs12

Porsche PFIFF

For Porsche PFIFF you need to set up an OFTP connection to the OEM. The Open Source OFTP Server from Mendelson was used successfully, albeit with a patch: The server does not support specification of a virtual OFTP file name for each transfer, instead for each poll request a filename can be specified. For ENGDAT specification of the file name is necessary. The patch can be found in the file mendelson.diff. Note that the patch has no checking if the filename of the spool-file conforms to the requirements of OFTP (which supports only uppercase characters, numbers, and a dash plus some other less-used characters). A better implementation would have more checking. The patch was also posted to the Mendelson Forum, you may want to check with them if this feature will make it into a future version. They also have a commercial version, so they may reserve such a feature for a commercial offering as one user on the forum suggested.

The sync uses ENGDAT v2 packages as input. These consist of a description file in EDIFACT syntax plus a ZIP file with the synchronisation data. For output again an ENGDAT v2 package is produced. In addition for testing a -z option exists that can specify a ZIP file as input for the sync. An example configuration using ENGDAT can be found in config-examples/pfiff_jira_config.py.

My latest information indicates that Porsche may be in the process of moving to KPMweb (see above) for tracking newer projects, you may want to find out with your Porsche contact if this is the case for your project.


Download the source at https://sourceforge.net/projects/trackersync/ or https://github.com/schlatterbeck/trackersync and install using the standard python setup, e.g.:

python setup.py install --prefix=/usr/local

Alternatively you may want to install using pip:

pip install trackersync


Version 1.5: Pfiff Sync

Now Porsche Pfiff is supported. You need an OFTP-Server for the actual data transfer. We transfer data from/to the OFTP server (which can be either local or accessed via SSH/SFTP). We also create an ENGDAT v2 package.

Version 1.4: Jira as local tracker

Now we can sync between Jira as the local tracker and KPM as the remote tracker.

Version 1.3: Two-way KPM sync

We now can sync changed attributes back to KPM

Version 1.2: KPM data structures in roundup

Now we can model some of the KPM data structures in roundup.

Version 1.1: Implemented Jira synchronisation

Jira synchronisation is implemented, this needs a recent version of the python requests library installed. In some new sync attributes have been implemented, in particular two-way synchronisation. Two-way synchronisation is now also supported for messages and files.

  • Jira synchronisation
  • Two-way sync for atomic attributes
  • Two-way sync for messages and files
  • Standalone command-line tools for KPM and Jira sync

Version 1.0: Initial Release with kpmsync

Tool for Synchronisation of Issue Trackers

  • First Release version