
<style> code in head.php

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Could you explain, please, what is the purpose of the following css code in inc/head.php file?

<style type="text/stylesheet"> @-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; } @-moz-viewport { width: device-width; } @-ms-viewport { width: device-width; } @-o-viewport { width: device-width; } @Viewport { width: device-width; } </style>

Thank you

This is the viewport control via css for initial scaling the view to 100% width of the device (neccessary for mobile devices). The default width is inaccurate. For further reading: CSS Device Adaption.

Thank you for your reply and for the reference,
Do I need to provide some value (in px or in %) replacing 'device-width' string?

No way. It takes the device-width. No additional provision needed here. Leave it as it is. :-)

OK, Thank you

Ah… and thank for BL4NK :)

You're welcome!