
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Hello =)

When being in administration of Joomla 3.0 (in a Module Settings), next to "position" setup it throws me the following:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /administrator/components/com_modules/views/module/tmpl/edit_positions.php on line 31

I'm getting this as well, fresh install of J3.02

Yeah, not on all sites... Justed hoped somebody knows where the problem is.

Do you think it's a J3 bug not a template bug?

Thanx for reaction. I'd say, I did something wrong. I have two sites on the same hosting, that are using Joomla 3. And just one of them has this problem.

Did you figure out how to fix it? My J3 site is on our test server with many other sites all 2.5 though.

I've found this error comes up when the module has a position that is not in templateDetails.xml

Add the position to templateDetails.xml and the error should go away (still a J3 bug though I think)

Thank you VERY MUCH. This is it!

It seems to depend on the server environment, wheter J! throws this error or not.
On my dev server I don't get the error. Now I moved the site to the live-server and begn to get the error. But only after some time of editing modules in the backend. At the beginning everything was fine.

I'm pretty sure it started after adding a custom position that was not in the templateDetails.xml. After updateing templateDetails.xml the error is gone.

did not work for me: default templateDetails.xml has already this positions and still get this errors. I get it with all the modules..any idea how to fix that?

@avush96 Had the same problem. Found out every template, even not used, must have at least two positions.

If not, the argument at foreach() is a string with the one position, so: php error.