
OLD - NO CODE - Include more vital lines in Index.php

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I think it would be a good idea for the index.php to include the vital lines that any Joomla template needs so it doesn't freak out or confuse anyone as to why when they first install the template that the homepage is blank.

I should have known what the problem was but at first even I was tricked by it for a minute or two....then I had to slap myself in the forehead accompanied by "oh duh".

I think the index.php should come with just the basics like component, message, debug (which it does), and a demo module code. (debug is a module but not really meant as example code)

I have done this for the template and packaged the index.php file into a zip.

Hope this is helpful.

I guess I could have just forked it and did a pull request...since I have another bit to submit now. :)

and now I have done that very thing. :)