
Pass `zimports` arguments to `zimports.el`.

hongyi-zhao opened this issue · 3 comments

How can I pass the zimports arguments listed here to zimports.el?


There's currently no good way to do that via elisp. But you can add a setup.cfg, that can be used to configure zimports. Mine has the following

max-line-length = 99
exclude =
import-order-style = smarkets
application-import-names = tests

But I guess you did see that in the link you gave. Why doesn't this suffice?

Why doesn't this suffice?

I mean the optional arguments of zimports listed there, namely, the following ones:

                        comma separated list of names that should be
                        considered local to the application. reads from
                        [flake8] application-import-names by default.
                        comma separated list of names that should be
                        considered local to the organization. reads from
                        [flake8] application-package-names by default.
  --style STYLE         import order styling, reads from [flake8] import-
                        order-style by default, or defaults to 'google'
  --multi-imports       If set, multiple imports can exist on one line
  -k, --keep-unused     keep unused imports even though detected as unused.
                        Implies keep-unused-type-checking
  -kt, --keep-unused-type-checking
                        keep unused imports even though detected as unused in
                        type checking blocks. zimports does not detect type usage
                        in comments or when used as string
  --heuristic-unused HEURISTIC_UNUSED
                        Remove unused imports only if number of imports is
                        less than <HEURISTIC_UNUSED> percent of the total
                        lines of code. Ignored in type checking blocks
  --statsonly           don't write or display anything except the file stats
  -e, --expand-stars    Expand star imports into the names in the actual
                        module, which can then have unused names removed.
                        Requires modules can be imported
  --diff                don't modify files, just dump out diffs
  --stdout              dump file output to stdout

As you can see, they are far from being fully included in the flake8 configuration file mentioned above.

I've added a commit, which should allow you to pass additional arguments. Update to the latest version and run M-x customize-group, choose zimports and change zimports args.