
Unable to find template "@JMSTranslation/translate/index.html.twig"

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Bundle version 1.3.2
Symfony version 3.4.2
PHP version 7.1

Expected behavior

Accessing JMS Translation Web Interface

Actual behavior

Twig_Error_Loader: Unable to find template "@JMSTranslation/translate/index.html.twig"

Steps to reproduce

Go to JMS Translation Web Interface

It seems to be related to the name of the Resources/view/translate folder which should be renamed to Resources/view/Translate instead.

A quick fix:

cd vendor/jms/translation-bundle/JMS/TranslationBundle/Resources/views
ln -s Translate translate

First solution could be to renamed the folder.
The second one could be to precise the path of the template in the annotation of the indexAction in the controller TranslateController.php

I think this is fixed now...

I think this is fixed now...

No :) a colleague has just upgraded the JMSTranslationBundle and find the same issue.
My pull-request was fixing the problem. Can you do another check please ?
Thank you a lot. Can you reopening this issue such as no behaviors differs today from the original.

I think this is fixed now...

No :) a colleague has just upgraded the JMSTranslationBundle and find the same issue.
My pull-request was fixing the problem. Can you do another check please ?
Thank you a lot. Can you reopening this issue such as no behaviors differs today from the original.

have you tried:

        engines: ['twig']

We have this

        engines: ['twig', 'php']