generated code should be PSR-1 and -2 compliant
Opened this issue · 13 comments
Code indent, formatting, etc....
We can run it through
I just tried it on the outputted files, but it doesn't support re-indentation atm.
So I think we'll have to fix the generator manually.
Tried with:
php-cs-fixer.phar fix . --fixers=linefeed,short_tag,indentation
php-cs-fixer.phar fix . --level=psr2
Fair enough, we'll do it manually.
A question regarding formatting that is not covered under PSR2:
The current code has a lot of this style of formatting:
PhpStorm's default setting for Assignment Operators is to leave spaces around them:
array('foo' => 'bar')
I'd like to use this default style in the generated code. What do you think about that?
A similar default style setting is to have a space after commas so that this:
$foo = bar($a,$b);
$arr = array(0 => "zero",1 => "one");
$foo = bar($a, $b);
$arr = array(0 => "zero", 1 => "one");
Should we also here use PhpStorm's default setting (the latter)?
I however vote for changing these default PhpStorm settings:
Function call arguments - From "Chop down if long" to "Do not wrap"
New line after '(' - From checked to unchecked
Place ')' on new line - From checked to unchecked
And the same for Array initializer
This is fine:
$foo = bar($a, $b);
$arr = array(0 => "zero", 1 => "one");
array('foo' => 'bar')
Could you give me some examples for the other cases?
Found this script: (32 upvotes)
and this one: (inactive)
Indentation fixer change tabs into spaces, it does not change level of indent.
There are no fixer that change indentation inside array
Have you tried phpfmt/fmt ?
@ccirello No, not yet - but looks promising, thank you.
I tried for