
Additional css for numeric colums

uldisn opened this issue · 3 comments

In grid for numeric columns necessary align right and equal-width font.
Where suggest add this css?

  • p3.css
  • asssets/css/..
  • in html

I'd recommend using a separate LESS file, eg. crud.less and include this in backend.less or p3.less.
Otherwise in p3.css, make sure you're in the right theme.

I'd never modify assets, as they may be erased from time to time. Not I'd not do this in the HTML, since CSS is perfectly fine for this.

I am unsure at the moment, if this could or should be implemented in the generator.

My projects mainly are for company migration from excel to phundament and numeric columns is actual.
Adding my provider to crud generator do not solve problems, becose need in model add method summTotal(), additional css and in view/admin.php add extra row.