

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Plot for each day is too big and chaotic.

  • Sum up for each week / month
  • Better axis, make dates readable, e.g. just year. Maybe no y-axis. Maybe make plot for each year or around times that are interesting

Check if the keywords are correct:

  • When do we see a lot of articles? Which event happend around this time? Also check the full headlines.
  • Look at important events for the wars, do we find important events at times with little articles?
  • Save this to write in the report, jupyter notebook (?)

Zeiträume mit den meisten Kriegsbereichterstattungen:

2003: january, february, march, april -> Irakkrieg
(2006: August -> zweiter Libanonkrieg)
(2008: August -> Russland und Georgien)
2009: januray -> Operation Gegossenes Blei, Israel und der Hamas im Gazastreifen.
2014: July, august -> Juli 2014 begann der Konflikt in der Ukraine zwischen pro-russischen Separatisten
2022: all year -> verschiedene Konflikte, Russland und Ukraine
2023: all year -> verschiedene Konflikte, Russland und Ukraine

=> 2003, 2022 wurde am meisten berichtet