
Homepage hero: finish layout of transparent image

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'll mock up the logo version and take a screenshot to share

Cleaned up my logo file, shared on Slack DM with screenshot of almost how it'd look (didn't have time to CSS so top 200px of logo isn't cut off by banner; and we'd want to maybe move it to the right side of page, have hero text on left side of that row?

Jeremy got this working on the hero, with some text (pulls "experiment with community" down, deletes row that was on, adds our line from previous site).

  • I need to generate a transparent PNG at home, but keep the white bg behind the interior white lines (eg around interio thumbs) & color picker to give Jeremy some hex codes for a color palette for the site

Done! Just needs any final layout/adding, typography from @jeremyboggs