
Ectocore- Destructive FX?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

seems like filtering and volume in FX Grimoir can be stored permanently/destructively?
Even with no CV and BREAK zero'd the FX remain and requires power cycle to reset.
Likely caused by issuing a new tap tempo while FX are active.

I wish FX could be stored permanently...this feature doesn't exist so there is must be something else going on.

Is the break knob turned up? when the unit powers on it checks the current break knob and if it is turned CW then it will activate effects.

I think it's maaaaaaybe the tap button on the unit?
I can set break to various positions to enable FX. I can then zero break to turn them off, but if I press tap once while FX are enabled and then try to zero the Break Knob, its like there's interactions between the keycombos for master gain, DJ filter, cutter etc being applied.

I'll drop it back off with Izaak for him to have a look at!

that'd be awesome! hopefully Izaak can clear it up.

just to be clear - holding TAP while FX are enabled and then turning the Break Knob to zero will turn down the volume. holding TAP is like "shift" so turning the break knob affects volume, turning the amen knob affects filter and turning the sample knob affects the gating. if you, at anytime, let go of the TAP button and continue to turn the knobs you will be in the normal mode and will be affecting the labeled parameters (i.e. Break FX, Amen, Sample).

if you are simply pressing and letting go of the TAP once while the FX are enabled you shouldn't see anything happen. I wonder if the TAP key is getting stuck?