
Does not work on Firefox 68.0 on Android 5.1.1

daveloyall opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi. After selecting a document on Firefox 68.0 on Android 5.1.1, the "Your file is available at:" text never appears.

Thanks, I'm aware of this one. I don't have a fix for it yet (because I don't know yet whats going wrong).

schollz, hm, before I opened this Issue, I used the 'report problem' feature in Firefox mobile. Apparently that resulted in the creation of this Issue: webcompat/web-bugs#35215

I have taken information from that automatically generated ticket and reformatted it for legibility. I hope this helps!

Various facts

  • browser: Firefox Mobile 68.0
  • ua_header: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 5.1.1; Mobile; rv:68.0) Gecko/68.0 Firefox/68.0
  • mixed active content blocked: false
  • image.mem.shared: true
  • buildID: 20190703180654
  • tracking content blocked: false
  • gfx.webrender.blob-images: true
  • hasTouchScreen: true
  • mixed passive content blocked: false
  • gfx.webrender.enabled: false
  • gfx.webrender.all: false
  • channel: nightly

Last console messages

[u'[JavaScript Error: "TypeError: file.webkitRelativePath is undefined" {
	file: "" line: 54}]
u'[JavaScript Error: "TypeError: file.webkitRelativePath is undefined" {
	file: "" line: 55}]

Hi @daveloyall

Thanks for that, your logging did the trick. This should fix it: 47ef115

Its live now, so give it a try and let me know.

Duuuude, this is the coolest thing I've done with a smart phone since the "simulated Zippo" app.

Nice work, schollz!