
The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused

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I'm not sure where the .kube file is saved, i'm able to ssh to my master node but when I run kubectl get nodes i this this messege:

'' The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port? ''

so I tried opening the port 8080 but still had the same problem. Am I missing anything?

That is the error message which you get when there is no configuration at all. When you login to the master, there will be two kubeconfig files:

  • /home/centos/kubeconfig_ip is using IP address (so that you don't have to wait for DNS propagation)
  • /home/centos/kubeconfig is using DNS records.

You can either copy them to local host or use them from the master. To configure kubectl to use them, you can just do export KUBECONFIG=/home/centos/kubeconfig (or whatever the path is.)

Thank you for getting back so quickly.
I did look for the files you suggested:


i tried finding the kubeconfig file from / and yet it does not exits.
Maybe i missed a step?

If these do not exist in the paths above, maybe the deployment failed for some reason. You should check the log in /var/log/init-aws-kubernetes-master.log. Maybe there is some bug or something.

Thank you for getting back so quickly.
I did look for the files you suggested:


i tried finding the kubeconfig file from / and yet it does not exits.
Maybe i missed a step?

There's a likelihood that you are using t2.micro instance type as your master node (Happened to me).

If thats the case, remember to add --ignore-preflight-errors=NumCPU behind kubeadm init --config /tmp/kubeadm.yaml in your script because kubernetes require at least 2 cpus.
