Touch calibration
Closed this issue · 11 comments
I made this radio and I have problem with cheap LCD based on ILI9341. When I touch the screen, point of touch doesn't match to icons of menu etc. It's possible to calibrate this?
PS. It's looks like ESP don't read presets.csv file from SD card. Radio plays only stations preprogrammed in ino file.
You use my tft library? If so scroll tft.cpp to the end and seek for
x = TP_Send(0xD0);
y= TP_Send(0x90);
read x,y with (0,0) and (320,240) then You have th Voltage (in milliVolts) from TP controller.
Replace the constants Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax in tft.h with Your values.
In Your browser, tab config try the button "load default" to reread presets.csv.
Yes, I use Your libraries.
I see this (in tft.cpp):
` x = TP_Send(0xD0); //x
//log_i("TP X=%i",x);
if((x<Xmin) || (x>Xmax)) return false; //außerhalb des Displays
y= TP_Send(0x90); //y
//log_i("TP y=%i",y);
if((y<Ymin) || (y>Ymax)) return false; //außerhalb des Displays
and I see this (in tft.h):
const uint16_t Xmax=1913; const uint16_t Xmin=150; const uint16_t Ymax=1944; const uint16_t Ymin=220;
But need step-by-step instructions, how to get needed values (where and how can I read them).
Using "Load default" button in web browser cause the ESP read only first station from presets.csv file, I can't go to next stations.
maybe You have this display: TJCTM24028-SPI, ILI9341, red board?
tochpad is y-inverted. If so replace the code at the end tft.cpp
if(_rotation==1){tmpxy=x; x=y; y=tmpxy; y=TFT_WIDTH-y; x=TFT_HEIGHT-x;}
if(_rotation==3){;} // do nothing
and set in tft.h:
const uint16_t Xmax=1850;
const uint16_t Xmin=170;
const uint16_t Ymax=1880;
const uint16_t Ymin=140;
Dear author, tell me please how to add a red board for ILI9341, support for Russian-language fonts. And then I have at Russian stations some kryakozyabry.
Hello koka7777745,
MiniWebRadio is not designed for that.
But my TFT Liibrary can support cyrillic chars. Streamtitles comes in UTF8 so You can decode it to CP1251.
In tft.h include "fonts/Garamond_cyrillic.h" (decomment line 11). Then change sub "showTitle":
void showTitle(String str){
static String title="";
str.trim(); // remove all leading or trailing whitespaces
if((_state==RADIO)&&(title==str)) return; // nothing to do
if(str.length()>4) f_has_ST=true; else f_has_ST=false;
// tft.setTextSize(4);
// if(str.length()> 45) tft.setTextSize(3);
// if(str.length()> 80) tft.setTextSize(2);
// if(str.length()>100) tft.setTextSize(1);
if(str.length()> 45) tft.setFont(Garamond_cyrillic_32x33);
if(str.length()> 80) tft.setFont(Garamond_cyrillic_23x24);
if(str.length()>100) tft.setFont(Garamond_cyrillic_21x21);
displayinfo(UTF8toCp1251(str.c_str()), _yTitle, _hTitle, TFT_CYAN, 0);
All other You must do for Yourself.
Thanks for the tips, 11 commented, and 8 commented. The rest does not come. Compilation does not go through the same mistakes. Drop the corrected files to the mail.
And how are the logos attached to the stations?
Logos are 96x96px 24bit bitmaps. You can create appropriate logos e.g. with The filename schould be identical to the stationname (entry in presets.csv or the name You can see at the display). Copy it to the SD-Card folder "logo". If the stationname has a comma, repace it with a dot.
To translate all the titles or words in russian You can try this:
tft.print(UTF8toCp1251("Калинка, калинка, калинка моя! В саду ягода малинка, малинка моя!"));
tft.print(UTF8toCp1251("Ах, под сосною, под зелёною, Спать положите вы меня!"));
for example:
in setup()
// showHeadlineItem("** Internet radio **");
and in showHeadlineItem(const char* hl)
// tft.setTextSize(2);
display_info(UTF8toCp1251(hl), _yHeader, _hHeader, TFT_WHITE, 0);
void showTitle(String str) {
static String title = "";
str.trim(); // remove all leading or trailing whitespaces
if ((_state == RADIO) && (title == str)) return; // nothing to do
if (str.length() > 4) f_has_ST = true; else f_has_ST = false;
/* tft.setTextSize(4);
if(str.length()> 45) tft.setTextSize(3);
if(str.length()> 80) tft.setTextSize(2);
if(str.length()>100) tft.setTextSize(1);
if (str.length() > 45) tft.setFont(Garamond32x33cyrillic);
if (str.length() > 80) tft.setFont(Garamond23x24cyrillic);
if (str.length() > 100) tft.setFont(Garamond21x21cyrillic);
displayinfo(str.c_str(), _yTitle, _hTitle, TFT_CYAN, 0);
title = str;
void showStation() {
if (_stationname.length() > 45) tft.setFont(Garamond32x33cyrillic);
if (_stationname.length() > 80) tft.setFont(Garamond23x24cyrillic);
if (_stationname.length() > 100) tft.setFont(Garamond21x21cyrillic);
String str1 = "", str2 = "";
if (_stationname == "") {
// tft.setTextSize(3);
// if (_station.length() > 75) tft.setTextSize(1);
displayinfo(_station.c_str(), _yName, _hName, TFT_YELLOW, _wLogo + 14); // Show station name
showTitle(""); // and delete showstreamtitle
str1 = _station;
} else {
// tft.setTextSize(4);
// if (_stationname.length() > 30) tft.setTextSize(3);
displayinfo(_stationname.c_str(), _yName, _hName, TFT_YELLOW, _wLogo + 14);
str1 = _stationname;
//log_i("%s", _stationname.c_str());
str1.replace(",", ".");
str2 = "/logo/" + String(UTF8toASCII(str1.c_str())) + ".bmp";
//log_i("%s", _sbuf);
if (f_SD_okay) if (tft.drawBmpFile(SD, str2.c_str(), 0, _yLogo) == false) tft.drawBmpFile(SD, "/logo/unknown.bmp", 1, 22);
Right name of cyrillic font is Garamond32x33cyrillic
Yes, use fontname Garamond32x33cyrillic