
what is the best way to set scroll bar position?

datavisorfrankhe opened this issue · 4 comments

I want to keep scroll position after updating data, is this possible?
Using onScrollEnd, I can get vertical or horizonl scroll position, but after resetting the data, scrollbar goes back to original point, are there any attribute I can set to make table stay at previous scrolling position?

Hey, I could use a bit more detail to understand the issue. I believe scroll should stay in the same position on data updates but a few things could alter that so it would be helpful to have more details.

  1. If rows are sorted or their size changes, the scroll will stay with the scroll offset based in pixels, not with the exact rows.
  2. If data changes cause the table to shrink the scroll position will be moved to a valid scroll position on the shrunk table (i.e. the max scroll allowed). Issues can occur if changes cause a table to shrink and then re-expand.

Do either of those issues match what you're seeing? If not are there any other details you can give or can you provide a codepen reproducing the issue?

This is what I mean,
Initially, I have 1000 rows, and then I have period checker to update the data status, what I did is just update data directly and enforce the table to redraw using state.
the total rows should be same, data is also same, only some cells have different content.
I think I can update the cell value directly, then table won't scroll back.

but I think there might be some attribute, such as scrollY, and if I passed this value, table will automatically scroll to this position on data changed. Is this possible?

Unfortunately, I can't tell what's going on with only that to go on.

You can use the scrollTop & scrollLeft prop to set the table position if you'd like.

thanks, that should be exactly what I need, thanks