This repository help operate Airflow


  1. just
  2. kubectl
  3. gcloud, required if you need to set up GKE workload identity.

Ariflow Operator Overview

We use Airflow's official helm chart to generate the yaml files, then we use kustomize to overwrite environment specific variables.


  1. update resource helm hook to argocd hook.
  2. specify the base values.yaml


  1. production: overwrite connection string to its corresponding Cloud SQL's connection string.
  2. develop: overwrite connection string to its corresponding Cloud SQL's connection string, and update dags sync branch to develop.
  3. office: overwrite connection string to its corresponding managed SQL connection string, and update dags sync branch to develop. IaC for deploying sql can be found here.


this folder is generating argocd deployed application spec

  1. cd/base: create repo spec connecting to airflow-cd and dags.
  2. cd/overlays: create application's declarative spec for corresponding environment, and setup proper cluster credential if needed.

Quick Start

Argo CD

  1. connect kubectl to the cluster you want to deploy argocd application (i.e., the argocd cluster).
  2. just argo-deploy gke