
Contain scripts to configure ndn on Galileo

Primary LanguageShell


This all in one script aimed to facilitae installation of NDN on Galileo. To see more detail, visit NDN on Galileo


To download Galileo image

./sdk2Galileo -m get image

See boot from SD card for how to write image to SD card and boot Galileo from SD card image.

To configure Galileo

./sdk2Galileo -a ./sdk2Galileo -m configure

During the process, the script will ask you to download required toolchain (or detect your toolchain if you already have one), and ask you to input the IP address of your Galileo. So the computer running script need to be able to connect to the Galileo (if they are in the same LAN, it should be perfect).

More Tutorial

To download ndn headers, libraries, binaries

./sdk2Galileo -m get ndn

To copy all ndn headers, libraries, binaries to Galileo to galileo

./sdk2Galileo -m copy

Copy only ndn-cxx to Galileo ./sdk2Galileo -m copy -f ndn-cxx

Copy only ndn-cxx headers to Galileo ./sdk2Galileo -m copy -f ndn-cxx -i

Copy only nfd binaries to Galileo ./sdk2Galileo -m copy -f nfd -b

In the process, the script will ask you to download required files and your Galileo IP

Use ./sdk2Galileo -h to display this help message:

     -m  mode [default is copy]
         [copy | configure | get]
     -h  display this message
  ## The following flags are only valid in copy mode ##
     -f  files to copy [default is all]
         [all | ndn-cxx | nfd | cryptopp | conf]
     -a  copy everything [default]
     -l  copy libraries
     -b  copy binaries
     -i  copy headers