
Feature Request: Axis Shift/Offset Option

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Many other graphics frameworks (pgfplots, gnuplot, Seaborn, ggplot2) have the ability to offset or shift the axes so they are "floating", disconnected from one another, e.g. this from Seaborn
Looking through the documentation and perusing the code, I didn't see this feature implemented, so apologies if it already has been.
My use case here is for producing more aesthetically pleasing graphics directly using the framework without having to edit in a vector graphics program. This axes display is also recommended in Edward Tufte's The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.

My idea was to provide a function which draws a single axis with ticks and (optionally user-defined) labels, both for 2D and 3D applications. Unfortunately, I didn't have the time yet - but it's on my radar.