scicloj/tablecloth mentioned in the doc

Closed this issue · 3 comments

daslu commented

Dataset is a special type which can be considered as a map of columns implemented around `` library. Each column can be considered as named sequence of typed data. Supported types include integers, floats, string, boolean, date/time, objects etc.

tech.datatype is not active anymore.

It'd make more sense to mention either or dtype-next here.

Thanks Daniel. Can you make a PR or update directly? I will refresh docs and publish then.

The Columns section makes a similar mention, should this mention be removed?

Column is a special `` structure based on `` library. For our purposes we cat treat columns as typed and named sequence bound to particular dataset.

Becomes Column is a special structure. For our purposes we cat treat columns as typed and named sequence bound to particular dataset.

I can make a PR for this.

Thanks for spotting it. Yes, please, PR welcome!