
BUG: about and roadmap links doesn't point back to SP

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The heading and footing at the learn website looks totally the same as on the main SP site, but neither about nor roadmap points back to the main repo's. (This is not a problem with SPECs as I assume we pull it in as a submodule).

If the plan is to have a different, learn specific, roadmap and about, I would suggest to place those somewhere else as the navigation experience is otherwise confusing when it's not possible to get to the same place the same way even though everything looks the same.

The about and roadmap on the learn site are the about and roadmap pages for the learn site not the general site. That was part of the reason for making the website and not It doesn't seem confusing to me, but that could be because I did it. If it is confusing to others, we should discuss where the about and roadmap pages for the learn project should be.

The confusing (difficult to navigate and find stuff) part comes from the fact that the headings/footers look exactly the same. So when one navigates to the learn site from the main page it all looks the same, yet will be different things are linked. And the reverse is true, when one wants to find a page but it's only linked from one particular combination of prior clicks (I feel some of these got already cleaned up on the main page, yet, some maybe around still)