Retort - An HTTP Request Server.

Conarium Software


  • Lua-driven - Write your request handler in lua, an easy and lightweight scripting language.
  • Dead-Simple - Not much can go wrong here. Lightweight too.
  • Open Source - Check the code out yourself, modify, improve, steal, etc.


Download the project files firstly. You'll need the .NET SDK installed, I tested this with 3.1 and .NET5, the others will probably work too. Grab NLua from the NuGet manager. Run dotnet build or dotnet publish to build the file. If any of you would like, send me a message somewhere and i'll upload builds later on.


retort.exe <address> <script> [args]


Required Arguments

Address: retort.exe <script> [args]

Must be a valid URL/IPAddress like so: or

Make sure the address ends with a forward slash. It seems to complain if you don't. Perhaps i'll fix that later on.

Script: retort.exe <script> [args]

A path to a lua script: handlers/feedback.lua or something along those lines.

Optional Arguments

More arguments to be added later. Feel free to make requests for what you need.

	--verbose	Toggles verbose output


As of this version, the lua environment remains unchanged. No custom APIs (Yet...). If you need some feature, make a pull request or send me a message and i'll see what I can do.

Your lua script must return a function to be valid. This is the function that will run on each HTTPRequest. The function should take an argument of string request and return a string response.

return function (requeststr)
    local response = "lol ok";
    return response;