Getting market/ticker information
useo6 opened this issue · 9 comments
At first: Thank you for providing us such an amazing library. I'm pretty new using this library and I'm using this library for my account created using Crypto-Bridge. Unfortunately I've some questions:
How to get a list of all available markets or symbols? I know there's the "BitShares.ticker" function, but it returns information for a specific market (e.g. btc/usd) only.
When I call something like "BitShares.ticker('btc', 'dgb')" or "BitShares.ticker('btc', 'ppo')", it throws me the following exception: "Assert Exception: assets[1]: Invalid quote asset symbol: PPO". But the PPO market is available.
I hope anyone has an idea I can retrieve these information. Thank you in advance!
Creating a new asset automatically creates markets for all existing assets. Most of them do not have liquidity, but any asset can be traded to any other.
I did not find an API method for getting all assets. Maybe you need to make a list of assets and make requests for them. -
Be careful. Crypto-Bridge create assets with the prefix
$ btsdex --asset ppo
Connected to API node: wss://
Error: Not found asset PPO! Blockchain return PPP
$ btsdex --asset bridge.ppo
Connected to API node: wss://
"id": "1.3.4513",
"symbol": "BRIDGE.PPO",
"precision": 7,
"issuer": "1.2.374566",
"options": {
"max_supply": "200000000000000",
"market_fee_percent": 20,
"max_market_fee": "400000000000",
"issuer_permissions": 5,
"flags": 5,
"core_exchange_rate": {
"base": {
"amount": 100000,
"asset_id": "1.3.0"
"quote": {
"amount": 20000000,
"asset_id": "1.3.4513"
"whitelist_authorities": [],
"blacklist_authorities": [],
"whitelist_markets": [],
"blacklist_markets": [],
"description": "{\"main\":\"PICPOTO\",\"short_name\":\"PPO\",\"market\":\"BRIDGE.BTC\"}",
"extensions": []
"dynamic_asset_data_id": "2.3.4513"
BitShares.ticker('btc', 'bridge.ppo')
or if you need to use bitcoin from Crypto-Bridge
BitShares.ticker('bridge.btc', 'bridge.ppo')
Regarding the first topic, I decided to decode the Crypto-Bridge ticker. Regarding topic 2... this works like a perfectly.
But I've two more questions:
How can I catch the error-event? For example if there's no internet connection, I'm getting the ENOTFOUND-error. How to catch the error?
Can I disable the ws-output? When I subscribe it outputs "WebSocket status: open". Is there any way to disable this output?
For catch error, try:
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
console.error(`Unhandled Rejection at: ${p} reason: ${reason}`);
Currently you can not disable the ws-output.
Thank you scientistnik. This helped me a lot! One last question... do you know how I can get a list of trades, deposits or withdrawals I've done in the past?
Get history account objects:
await BitShares.history.get_account_history(<account_id>, "1.11.0", 100, "1.11.0") // last 100 operations
Ah, I see. Thank you scientistnik. I've two last questions... how to generate a new address for an asset and how to withdraw from an asset?
What you mean "new address"?
I mean on CryptoBridge I can click on "Get New Address" and I'm getting a new deposit address for the corresponding asset.
You need to ask this from CryptoBridge)