
Bayesian Blocking prior is astro-specific

Moelf opened this issue · 5 comments

Moelf commented


# eq. 21 from Scargle 2012
return 4 - np.log(73.53 * self.p0 * (N**-0.478))

Moelf commented should probably use this, the 2012 has wrong formula

Thanks @Moelf for the comment! You are most welcome to submit a PR otherwise we will get to this asap.

Moelf commented

no sorry I think you guys already used the correct formula, but I think now the problem is we shouldn't default to the prior one anyway, we should use the geometric prior, because the formula in screen shot comes from fitting astrophysics data, our histograms have nothing to do with brightness sequence of stars

Hi @Moelf , I am myself not an expert in this, however it's not quite clear to me why a geometric prior should be used? But as @eduardo-rodrigues mentioned, you're very welcome to open a PR and we can discuss it there (I have too little time currently to dig deep enough into the topic).

Moelf commented

Because the prior and numbers you're currently using is derived from fitting a simulation of star light, nothing to do with HEP