
HepMC3 output format incompatible with pyhepmc_ng

jacanchaplais opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

I tried out writing to HepMC with this package today, and then reading back in with pyhepmc_ng, but ran into an issue. Although the HepMC file says it's version 3.0.0 in the header, it still appears to use the deprecated IO_GenEvent prefix to START_EVENT_LISTING, vs the newer Asciiv3 prefix. There is some discussion of their usage here:

If I manually change the text in the header, it reads without issue.

Is this on purpose? Or would it be possible to update the header?

Kind regards,

Hi, this is rather an issue for pyhepmc_ng, no? This is nothing to do with Pythia / numpythia. Closing (but reopen if I misunderstood).

Hi Eduardo,

Is this not to do with the fact that HepMC3 files should be using the Asciiv3 prefix in general? I am not an expert at all, but just wanted to check in case it had been missed.

Kind regards,

I'm no expert there either, actually. I think @HDembinski will know. Else the C++ HepMC authors, of course.

Here's that document anchored to the relevant section:

Following our discussion in #45 I'll probably try to use the Pythia python bindings and write straight to my hdf5 formats, so no worries if this slips beneath the radar. :)