
Can not treat TH1D as TArrayD in root_numpy.array

alibenn opened this issue · 4 comments

Using LCG 96 the attached 6 line snippet runs but fails to properly generate the array.
Expected result an array with 1000 entries which are all zero.
Obtained result an empty array.

import ROOT
import root_numpy
h = ROOT.TH1D("test","test",1000,0,1)
print isinstance(h,ROOT.TArrayD)
a = root_numpy.array(h)
print a

The output is simply:

@alibenn , not a bug.

>>> import ROOT
>>> h = ROOT.TH1D("test","test",1000,0,1)
>>> h.GetEntries()

Please read the ROOT documentation. You're just defining a ROOT histogram with 1000 bins from 0 to 1. If you want 1000 entries, then run the following (because also, C++ bindings)

>>> import ROOT
>>> import root_numpy
>>> h = ROOT.TH1D("test","test",1000,0,1)
>>> ignore = [h.Fill(0) for i in range(1000)]
>>> root_numpy.array(ROOT.TArrayD(h))

Additionally, please start using uproot instead - as this project is not maintained anymore;