
Regarding the code for A Priori

jayahm opened this issue · 2 comments

I went through the code (the class) your A Priori

On line 192,

        scores_target_class = self.dsel_scores_[neighbors, :,

I quite don't understand on self.DSEL_target_[neighbors]

From my understanding, it is the index of the target class of the sample in the region of competence.

self.DSEL_target_[neighbors] will produce an array of shape (n_samples), where n_samples = the size of the region of competence

self.dsel_scores_ is an array of shape (n_samples, n_classifiers, n_classes)

Why the shape of self.DSEL_target_[neighbors] is not the same as the shape of n_classes?

self.dsel_scores_[neighbors, :, self.DSEL_target_[neighbors]]

self.dsel_scores_[n_samples, n_classifiers, n_classes]

No, it is not the shape of n_classes, the result array from self.DSEL_target_[neighbors] operation is the same shape as the neighbors array. However, each element in the result array is a value between 0 to n_classes -1. This value is then used to index the desired class.

In order to understand more about NumPy advanced indexing, I really recommend you to check this tutorial:

I would also recommend you to evaluate each expression individually using a debugger (you can use Pycharm for that) so you can get more familiar with this type of array indexing.

I see. It was my misunderstanding of how NumPy's slicing works.

Thank you.