
For A posteriori, why the probability is devided by total distance?

jayahm opened this issue · 4 comments


As per code for A posteiori,

        competences_masked =,
                                       axis=1) /, axis=1)

Why the probability of correct classification is divided by the distance only?

I saw on the paper, it is divided the total probability multiple by the distance.


It is done in order to weigh the influence of each data point x_j in the region of competence in such a way that the closer ones have more influence in the competence level estimation.

I see. But, I saw in your paper, the denominator is the product of probability and distance

In your code above, it is only distance.

Or, I miss some information somewhere?

Yes, I had double-checked with the original paper before asking you.

I see.

Okay, thank you for the clarification.