
'Selector' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context

mspanadgoo opened this issue · 3 comments

I want to override canPerformAction function in my code but i get this error
" 'Selector' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context "
because there is a class named Selector in SwiftSoup.
please change the class name.
Screen Shot 1398-10-29 at 17 57 35

0xTim commented

Use SwiftSoup.Selector

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I just ran into this same problem. I am trying to override the NSObject function
override open func responds(to aSelector: Selector!) -> Bool

As soon as I import SwiftSoup, I get this error. I don't want to use the SwiftSoup one, so the recommendation above won't work for me.

For anyone else looking for a solution, the 'standard module' prefix to use is ObjectiveC in this case:

override open func responds(to aSelector: ObjectiveC.Selector!) -> Bool