
Fatal error: Attempted to read an unowned reference but object was already deallocated

jwells89 opened this issue · 1 comments


With the latest release of SwiftSoup (2.3.7), I've been seeing crashes that didn't occur before. The crash occurs when selecting an element and wrapping it, as in this example:

if let quote = try?"blockquote") {
     _ = try? quote.wrap("<details ontoggle='postQuoteHeightChange()'></details>")

This yields the message Fatal error: Attempted to read an unowned reference but object 0x------------ was already deallocated, with Xcode showing a SIGABRT at line 470 of Node.swift:

if (input.parentNode != nil) {

The issue disappears if I roll SwiftSoup back to 2.3.6.

Hi, yes it is the change that i do with 2.3.7.
I make a rollback with 2.3.8 that is now online. I will fine a different solution for the other issue