
Working on SciPhp\Random class?

jehshPhilemon opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello again,
I Was doing my exercise using this great library and I needed random class. The class is missing and I've written some function.
I Want to know if you're working on this feature, if not yet, I can suggest my tiny functions( they use php native rand function )
(I used numpy as reference, so these method are numpy like)
Due to some difficulties, I can make a commit on github now.
I'm adapting my random class to the lib now. After finishing ( to adapt it) I can send you a link if possible to check them.
Bon weekend à vous!

No I'm not currently working on random feature. So it will be with a great pleasure that I'll have a look at your implementation and merge it.
It would have been better if you could make a pull but no problem. We'll find a solution !
Merci et comme nous sommes encore en janvier, je vous souhaite une très bonne année 2021!

Hi, I see 2 branches (0.4.1 and 0.4.5) but when I download zip files, there are no changes nor no new files.

Did you make a git add and git commit before pushing tags?

They are the same,
I tried to edit 0.4.1-beta and I Updated it to 0.4.5( without uploading other files) . I thought the first was updated and the 0.4.1 would be deleted.
Sorry for that, I don't have access to github client now (I use the web version, and it doesn't work as expected for me), that cause many issues.

Any new updates? According to the documentation the random matrix function is already implemented but only in the version 0.5. But the latest available version is the 0.4.


Any new updates? According to the documentation the random matrix function is already implemented but only in the version 0.5. But the latest available version is the 0.4.


Include it straight from github:

    "repositories": [
          "type": "vcs",
          "url": ""
    "require": {
        "sciphp/numphp": "dev-master"