DOC: process for new releases
tylerjereddy opened this issue ยท 10 comments
Hi @stefanv and @jarrodmillman -- can you briefly summarize what I need to do to announce a new release with the new
? The old process is like this PR: #399
Once I learn it I can just repeat the PRs with a bumped version I suspect.
It may be obvious, but it is pretty late so I'll take a look later this weekend.
Hi Tyler, I can follow up with more detail tomorrow, but I believe you want to update
The website, after merge, will build and deploy itself.
The second place to update is the news:
entry in config.yaml
in the root of the repo.
Ah, right, that sets the news bar text on the front page!
In our other sites, I think we will have the news articles automatically list themselves and then use the latest one on the banner. That way, only a new entry has to be added as a markdown file.
I'll implement that in the theme, and then we can decide if we want to switch SciPy over.
Following #425, we can continue to have a single news page and we have now the possibility to update the banner from the news preamble. Hence making a new release (or any news) would just mean updating the news page and preamble.
@tylerjereddy We are still changing things a bit, so feel free to ping me when you make a new release announcement PR and I will double-check that you got everything. Also, if you point me to the scipy release process documentation, I will make sure to keep it up-to-date.
@jarrodmillman AFAIK the release documentation is here
I believe this is resolved now.